May 2024

may 2024

Posts in the category “Climate change news” are published monthly. The topic of the news is the major events of the Russian climate regulation.

In addition to news publications, the portal CarbonUnits.RU contains basic information:

International Agenda

Joint statement by the Russian Federation and China

A joint statement by the Russian Federation and China has been issued on deepening comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction, entering a new era in the context of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The outcomes of this include:

  • The parties are conducting joint interdisciplinary research on climate change.
  • The parties are taking measures to combat climate change, reaffirming their commitment to the goals, principles, and structural framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of May 9, 1992, and the Paris Agreement of December 12, 2015, particularly the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. The parties emphasize that providing financial support by developed countries to developing countries is crucial for enhancing measures to reduce the rate of global temperature increase and to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. The parties oppose the creation of barriers to international trade under the pretext of combating climate change, as well as linking climate issues with threats to international peace and security.
  • The parties plan to deepen cooperation in carbon markets.

Earthwood in Russia

A representative office of the Indian company Earthwood has been opened, which will allow validating and verifying climate projects according to international standards, verifying the carbon footprint of products, as well as reporting on sustainable development and climate.

Presidential Decree “On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and for the perspective up to 2036”

The Presidential Decree “On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and for the perspective up to 2036” has entered into force.

Subparagraphs “х” and “ц” (in Russian) of clause 6 of the Decree establish the following target indicators and tasks, the fulfillment of which characterizes the achievement of the national goal “Stable and dynamic economy”:

  • Approval and implementation of climate change adaptation programs at the federal, regional, and corporate levels;
  • Establishment of a national system for monitoring climate-active substances.


Simplified Emissions Reporting for Large Emitters

The Ministry of Economic Development has merged the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Register with the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources’ State Information System for Accounting of Objects with Negative Environmental Impact. Now, enterprises emitting more than 150,000 tons of CO2 equivalent per year can generate reports more quickly, as information from the Federal Service’s system is automatically uploaded.

Climate Projects under the Federal Law “On Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions”

REO Unveils Climate Project Methods for Solid Waste Management:

By the Russian Environmental Operator (REO) methodologies have been developed for the implementation of climate projects in the field of solid municipal waste management (available on the Registry Operator’s website):

  • Energy utilization of municipal solid waste (including the production of fuel derived from waste – refuse-derived fuel, RDF)
  • Anaerobic digestion of organic waste
  • Incineration and energy utilization of landfill gas

Climate project registration 04-2024-00000023, executor – JSC “Polyus Krasnoyarsk”.

Validator: LLC MIP «Nacional’nyj centr validacii i verifikacii ekologicheskoj informacii Instituta global’nogo klimata i ekologii»

Implementation period: 01.05.2018 – 30.04.2028

Information on the period during which the implementation of the climate project results in the reduction (prevention) of greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase in their absorption: 01.05.2018 – 30.04.2028

Information on the quantity of carbon units to be issued into circulation upon registration of the climate project: 4 122 439

Information on the planned amount of reduction (prevention) of greenhouse gas emissions and/or increase in their absorption as a result of the implementation of the climate project: 4 122 439

Project essence: replacement of electricity generation from coal and oil power plants of JSC Polyus Krasnoyarsk.

Current status of the climate project: implementation.