January 29-February 4 2024

Climate change news. January 29-February 4 2024

Posts in the category “Climate change news” are published weekly. The topic of the news is the major events of the Russian climate regulation.

In addition to news publications, the portal CarbonUnits.RU contains basic information:

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has submitted for consideration to a wide range of stakeholders a draft action plan for implementing the Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Federation with a low level of greenhouse gas emissions until 2050. The following measures are proposed:

National commitments and state accounting of greenhouse gas emissions:

  • Approval of target indicators for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by economic sectors
  • Establishment and submission to the secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change of the second nationally determined contribution (NDC) of the Russian Federation to the implementation of the Paris Agreement

Reporting in the field of greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonization:

  • Determination of criteria for classifying legal entities and individual entrepreneurs as regulated organizations subject to the Federal Law of July 2, 2021, No. 296-FZ
  • Creation and development of a registry of greenhouse gas emissions, including data exchange with the registry of pollutant emissions, carbon unit registry, and registry of anthropogenic emissions from sources and absorbers
  • Introduction of mandatory carbon reporting verification
  • Determination of the type of state supervision (control) over compliance with legislative requirements in the field of limiting greenhouse gas emissions

Certification sphere:

  • Introduction of a voluntary product certification system based on carbon footprint indicators

Carbon unit trading sphere:

  • Expansion of the list and information in the registry and public access to it
  • Providing owners of carbon units with the opportunity to reduce carbon footprint on behalf of third parties
  • Development of mechanisms for implementing Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement, creation of regulatory framework and registry.

Tax measures sphere:

  • Introduction of a carbon pricing system